Submission Rules

The content of the articles in Expansions shall be useful for the development of theories and technologies related to the natural sciences, and effective for the exchange of knowledge and mutual enlightenment of institutions and individuals interested in the natural sciences. The content of the article is based on the new results.

Preprints and Post

Expansions is an overlay journal based on preprints.
Expansions' published articles consist of (1) preprints (with author's approval) and (2) author submissions. Both post to Expansions according to the "Formatting Guidelines".

Standards for Peer Review

Peer reviews come in both form and content. The form is evaluated based on the volume and format of the manuscript and whether the theme is suitable for Expansions. In terms of content, the assessment targets include (1) novelty, (2) effectiveness, (3) reliability, and (4) understandability.


The copyright of articles published in Expansions belongs to the authors. The authors retain publishing rights without restrictions.
Expansions is fully Open Access and uses Creative Commons (CC) licenses, which allow users to use, reuse and build upon the material published in the journal without charge or the need to ask prior permission from the publisher or authors.
Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 International license. The CC BY license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as authors are credited for the article.

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